Physical TherapyElectric Ortho Traction Apparatus : STC-200N

Electric Ortho Traction Apparatus
The safe and easy-to-use device developed by the essence of state of the art of mechatronics.

The built in micro computer chip supports the various program
Auto Program
- CONT. : Continuous traction for setting time
- PROG 1 : HOLD 5 seconds / REST 5 seconds
- PROG 2 : HOLD 10 seconds / REST 5 seconds
- PROG 3 : HOLD 15 seconds / REST 5 seconds
- PROG 4 : HOLD 20 seconds / REST 5 seconds
The built in safety button for protection of malfunctioning by keeping the zero status
Memory of the final operation numerical data
The stored program of auto circuit break in over tractional force
The load cell type is installed for weight checking data
The both of pulse tractional treatment and continuous tractional treatment are available without the unpleasant feeling or pain to the patient
It reduces the pains from unbalanced muscles on the neck, shoulders and waist
It reduces the pressure on ligaments and abnormal tension
It reduces the pressure from the other stimuli and the impaired circulation of muscle nerve not only from the muscle nerve
The effect of removing the impaired circulation of muscle system
The exact tractional force calibrated automatically according to the patient's posture
The built in setting function operated by electronic timer : The automatic treatment starts by pressing start button after setting the treatment time, tractional force, hold time and rest time, the buzzer will operate after the treatment
Model STC-200N
Power AC 220V / 60Hz
Power Consumption 140VA
Maximum Tractional Force 5kg ~ 99kg (Hold), 0kg ~ 20kg (Rest)
Time for traction 0sec ~ 60sec
Resting time 0sec ~ 60sec
Timer 0 min. ~ 60 min.
Safety device Safety button for patient, Zero Start program
Weight Main body 50 kg/ Bed 73kg
Dimention Main body 300(W) x 520(L) x 700(H) mm
Bed 2240(W) x 560(L) x 760(H) mm